What has been said about being born on October 14

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Personality Profile for People Born on October 14

The following descriptions reveal some of the characteristics of people who share a birthday—those who are born on October 14th of any year—based on various methods used in Astrology and Numerology. Both Astrology and Numerology reveal much more depth when a birth year, and in the case of the former, a birth time and place are included.

The Astrology & Numerology of your Birthday

Your Sun is in Libra in the Gemini decanate.

The ruler of your Sun is Venus. Venus bestows a charming, sometimes indulgent nature, with a love of comfort and peace.

Secondary rulers of your decanate and quadrant signs are Mercury and Mars. Mercury adds an analytical, intelligent, and communicative side to your nature, and Mars adds spunk and assertiveness.

Your Personality Profile:
You have a great interest in, and eye for, form and structure. You would make a good architect, interior decorator, designer, or any profession that combines art and structure. You are highly intelligent, with strong “right brain” and “left brain” skills. You have a mischievous, almost childlike side to you, and your creativity is potent. You make success look easy, but the truth is, you are very willing to work hard for it.
intelligent – hard-working – determined

Born Today

Ralph Lauren, born October 14, 1939 Fashion designer.

e. e. cummings born October 14, 1894
Poet and humorist., famous for his play on words.

Thomas Dolby, born October 14, 1958 Singer,
songwriter. “She Blinded Me with Science”.

Usher, born October 14, 1978 Singer,

Your Sun Sign

Libra the Scales

Libra the Scales

Libra is fair-minded, socially aware, and likable. Uncomfortable with anything that throws things out of balance, Libra aims towards harmony and equality. Decisions are often hard to make, and when there are too many of them to make, they can feel drained. Oftentimes they’ll procrastinate so they don’t have to settle on a solution or answer. This is because Libra always sees both sides to any situation. Partnerships are extremely important to Libra–Librans don’t like to go it alone. For the most part, Libra is accommodating and concerned about keeping the peace.

Libra, the scales: Planet: Venus; Element: Air; Quality: Cardinal; Color: pink or green; Day: Friday; Stone: Opal; Part of Body Ruled: adrenal glands, kidneys; Motto: I weigh; Energy: Yang

Fixed Star(s) Near Your Sun:

Sun Conjunct Foramen

This fixed star has a Saturn/Jupiter influence, endowing you with dignity and
usefulness. You are ambitious and quite practical and your business mind is

Progressed Sun: Turning Points in the Life

We carry our Sun sign with us throughout our entire lives. If I’m a Libra, I’ll always be a Libra. However, in secondary progressions, the Sun “progresses” in a symbolic sense through our natal Sun sign, and then beyond it to subsequent signs. Secondary progressions are “a day for a year”, and because the Sun moves just under one degree per day, our Sun symbolically progresses just short of one degree every year of our lives. Because there are 30 degrees for every sign, if I were born in the latter days of a Libra Sun, my Sun would progress to the sign of Scorpio in my early childhood, and to the sign of Sagittarius in my early to mid-30’s. If I were born near the beginning of a Libra Sun, however, my progressed Sun would enter Scorpio close to my 30th birthday, and to Sagittarius in my late 50’s. The changeover of signs marks a critical turning point in a person’s life. At the very end of a sign (just before changing signs), individuals may make life-changing, impulsive decisions.

Your progressed Sun enters Scorpio at age 9. The ages of 8 to 10 mark a critical turning point in the development of your personality. Circumstances are such that you develop a slightly thicker skin. You become more passionate and have less of a need to rely on others for support, and your power to make decisions improves.

Your progressed Sun enters Sagittarius at age 39. The ages of 38 to 40 mark a critical turning point in the development of your personality. After some sort of crisis of consciousness, and perhaps elimination of circumstances that have been limiting your growth, you begin to feel lighter, more free, and decidedly more outgoing. Your desire to learn increases, and your sense of humor is enriched.

Degree Meanings of your Sun:

21 Scorpio

Sabian Symbol:

Sabian symbols present imagery associated with the degree of your Sun in Libra. Either of the following may apply, depending on the exact degree of your Sun:

If Sun is 20-21 degrees Libra:

“A Sunday Crowd Enjoying The Beach”

If Sun is 21-22 degrees Libra:

“A Child Giving Birds A Drink At A Fountain”

Harmonic Degree Meaning:

The following is the degree meaning of your Sun (21 degrees Libra) based on harmonic sign influences.

“Mature, sober, reflective disposition. Intelligent. Inclined towards academic or business pursuits. Interested in wide-ranging ideas, communications, and travel.”

Numerology of October 14

You were born on the 14th day, which reduces to a 5. Your need for change and intellectual stimulation is strong, and you would be best in a career that allows you the freedom to make some of your own decisions and schedules. Factoring in the 10th month of October, you are a number 6. With Mercury and Venus strong on the day of your birth, you have refined tastes, and plenty of creativity to draw upon. Factoring in your birth year gives you your Birth Path Number—a highly personal number for you.

Birthday Forecast for You

is a Number Eight year for you. Ruled by Saturn. This is a year of power and accomplishment. Actively seeking to expand, taking educated risks, and moving forward are highlighted. This is a year of opportunity, particularly in the material and business world, and opportunities need to be seized. It’s generally not a year to find a new love partner, simply because the focus is on the material world and your place in the world. This is a problem-solving year in which you can expect real, tangible results. Advice – take action, plan ahead, seize opportunities.

You Are Drawn to People Born on…

Easy, subtle attraction and harmony: You don’t feel an irresistible pull towards each other, but over time, appreciate the peace you have between you. These people are good for you, although they might not challenge you to grow.

February 5-15, June 7-17, August 10-17, December 10-17

On-again, off-again attraction. This is a complex connection, and you make an odd yet interested couple.

March 10-14, May 10-14, September 12-16, November 12-16

A mysterious attraction that can be very romantic…or completely platonic! This is a spiritual connection that has a magical quality to it.

January 23-27, June 27-July 1, August 20-24, December 2-6

Opposites attract. Push me, pull me. You could complement each other well if you allow yourselves to learn from each other, or you could actively war against each other.

April 6-16

Attraction of the soul; challenging, intense, rich, and binding.

September 1-5, November 22-26

Powerful, tumultuous attraction–you are aware of the distinct differences between you, but may be drawn to each other because of the simultaneous awareness of a need and a lack. Either the relationship is ongoing and obviously tumultuous and of a “love-hate” nature, or it flows well until it breaks unexpectedly.

January 7-17, February 23-27, May 26-30, July 8-18, August 27-31, October 9-19, November 27-December

Creative, communicative, inspiring, and spiritually rewarding connections.

March 4-8, May 16-20, July 30-August 3, December 23-27

In the Cards…

Today’s playing cards are based on an ancient system similar to the Tarot. Each birthday of the year is associated with a main playing card, the Birth Card, and each tells its own story.
The card associated with your birthday is the Eight of Clubs. Not easily swayed by the opinions of those around you, you possess strong mental powers. You are able to achieve pretty much anything you set out to do. You can also be quite stubborn! However, you are also quite friendly and likable. Your love card is the Four of Spades, suggesting that you are attracted to people who are down to earth and practical.

Hmm...quite interesting, isn't it? Banyak sifat yang disebut sesuai sama karakter gw, bahkan profesi...I mean, I am an ongoing architect, aren't I?

Tertarik untuk coba ? Buka aja di : http://iftodayisyourbirthday.com/

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