Moving On

Thank you for visiting here.

This blog started way back on the year 2006 and have grown along with me throughout the years. And now I have felt that it's time for me to move on.

More posts and updates will no longer be written in this blog, but the blog will still be open as an archive of my old writings. And I will be publishing a new space, where I would post any ideas, notes, and even my recent works. Thank you again for everyone, old readers and new.

My new journal available at:


Current Addiction: Shugo Tokumaru

Check out one of his music video:
Shugo Tokumaru - "Katachi" (Official Music Video)

Official Website:

PepperPotts Photoshoot

I have finally decided to start selling out some of my knitting works. My knitting line is called Pepperpotts and I have also launched a special online page where I posted the collections that are available for sale.

A few days earlier (before the blog and online shop was launched) I had two days of photoshoot for the collections, hiring my own husband as the photographer and myself as the model.

Day 1 of photoshoot

Had the short photoshoot session at one of Jakarta's own city park that was located at the center of the city. It didn't go as well as planned, since we got stuck in traffic jam a bunch of times on our way there - it turned out that one of the presidential candidates and a large crowd was visiting the election committee's office nearby. well, we're not voting for them - so we only had a couple of shots taken then we moved to another venue.

Too bad though, because the weather was totally perfect.

What I wear on top: Red dress by Dlaalune, Denim legging by CottonInk, Blue Frilly Scarf/Beige Infinity Shawl/Knitted Pumpkin hat by Pepperpotts

Day 2 of photoshoot

This time we decided that we wouldn't go too far from home, so we went to the nearby park and one of the malls we hangout so often at. The weather and sunlight was awesome, we totally had a great time. And since it was done at working hours, both of the venue wasn't too crowded so we took our time and actually had a lot of great photos.

What I wear: Black dress by ASOS, unbranded tights, Shoes by Kickers, Light Blue Infinity Shawl/Gray Neck Warmer by Pepperpotts, Chicago Totebag.

We spent the rest of the afternoon (and evening) window-shopping at the mall and ended up shopping.
Dating while working is always fun :)

My husband with his new pair of Wakai shoes

My Chicago totebag. I'm thinking of selling these totebag also. What do you think?

Well there you go, a sneak preview of what I've been doing and what's coming on my little project. You can visit and start shopping for Pepperpotts' first ever collection, SIGNATURE. Links added below.

Online shop:


Seperti bangkit dari mati suri. Akhir saya kembali membuka halaman demi halaman coretan tangan, kumpulan gambar dan potongan-potongan kenangan saya di blog ini.

Seperti halnya saya yang pernah berkata bahwa hidup adalah rollercoaster, hidup pun telah memberikan saya perjalanan yang penuh ombang-ambing dalam kurun waktu singkat selama saya berhenti menulis. Dan saat ini saya seperti kehilangan arah.

Pernah merasa memiliki sebuah tempat berteduh yang begitu nyaman hingga kamu lupa caranya menghindari perubahan cuaca yang selalu datang dan pergi tanpa peringatan? Atau memiliki sebuah tempat untuk berpegang sehingga ketika bumi terasa berayun kencang semua goncangan tidak berasa, dan ketika pegangan tangan itu lepas yang terasa hanyalah tubuh kita jatuh dan jatuh dan jatuh.

Saya bukan hanya seperti kehilangan arah, tapi juga seperti tersesat dalam langkah kaki saya sendiri. Dan yang saya rasakan hanyalah betapa jauhnya orang-orang berada saat ini sehingga saya tidak dapat lagi berteriak memohon pertolongan. Saya sudah tidak bisa lagi menangis karena tahu tidak akan ada lagi yang dapat mendengar.

Kata "takut" terdengar seperti an understatement. Saya bukan lagi merasa takut. Saya tidak lagi merasa. Hanya tersesat, dan tak tahu lagi harus mengarah ke mana.

Hidup memang mengejutkan. Tapi yang paling mengejutkan adalah ketika saya sadar bahwa bahkan ketika saya dalam sekian tahun selalu mengingatkan diri untuk bersiap akan hal apapun yang disodorkan kepada saya, tetap saja saya tidak siap untuk menghadapinya. Dan sekarang semua sudah terlambat.

Seandainya waktu bisa berputar balik. Seandainya saya bisa lebih bersiap diri. Seandainya ada yang bisa mendengar tanpa saya harus berbicara apapun dan memeluk saya tanpa bicara apapun. Seandainya saya bisa menghilangkan rasa kesepian yang menyakitkan ini. Seandainya menjadi dewasa tidak begitu terasa sepi. Mungkin suara di dalam kepala saya ini akan berhenti berteriak setiap saat dan saya bisa berpikir dengan lebih tenang untuk dapat menjalani semua. Mungkin.
At a cousin’s wedding event. While chatting with my grandmother, I saw a little girl, tall and skinny with a straight long hair, standing awkwardly in her purple dress and half clinging to her mother as if looking for protection.
I was reminded immediately to myself, on my early teenage years and thought of how much alike she is to how I was on those years.

And then a few minutes later her Mother approached this woman who sat next to me and told the girl to introduce herself.
The girl shakes the woman’s hand while introducing herself, “Dita”.