Wood Hard, Play Hard

Last Sunday, December 19th 2010, my boyfriend and I went to an event held at Hanggar Teras Pancoran, Jakarta. It was The Kings of Fingerboarding 2010 (TKOF 2010) - a competition of fingerboard-ers from across the country held yearly. Want to know what a fingerboard is? This is it:


Well, I bet most of you actually know about them :)
Anyway, We were invited that day to help out our friends, Ade and Hallala, who came from Solo with their friends to promote their brand, Pion Fingerboards. The both of them and added with some other finger-skater were all in the competition, so they needed back-ups to guard the booth were they sold and exhibited a lot of their products such as T-shirts, spareparts and accessories for fingerboards, and this is where Dika and myself came in. The boys joined up with the team of Undead Fingerboards at the exhibition.

The booth

The people that came by to our booth

Busy but fun

The battle - The boys of Pion and Undead at the competition

And they got some titles from the competition!! Yay for them!!

We had so much fun. And I also found out that there were a lot of young finger-skaters that came by to our booth as fans. Well, you should really check out on their website. Just click on the picture below!

Oh by the way, the title above is actually quoted from Pion Fingerboards' catch-phrase :)


  1. waw mas halala suka main fingerboard juga yaa? mantap!!
    mbak blognya bagus. keren hehe

  2. wah bukan cuma suka main...dia mah uda jadi "bandar" fingerboard juga hehee
    makasi ya udah mampir :)


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